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Privacy Policy

Thank you for using ImageShack! ImageShack is a photo sharing community that provides you with an easy way to post and share photos online as well as add metadata and comments to photos. You do not need to be registered to search or view public photos on ImageShack, however you must be a registered user of ImageShack to post.

Account Information

In Profile Preferences, you can control what information you share with people via your profile, including user name and bio.

In your My Images panel, you may also hide photos from searches on ImageShack as well as searches on 3rd party sites that use ImageShack APIs.

How information is collected?

When you give us permissions to obtain it. When you sign up for or use our products, you voluntarily give us certain information. This can include your name, profile photo, tags, comments, likes, email address you used to sign up, and any other information you provide us. If you’re using Imageshack on your mobile device, you can also choose to provide us with location data.

  1. You also may give us permission to access your information in other services – for example, you may link your Facebook or Twitter account to ImageShack, which allows us to obtain information from those accounts (e.g., your friends or contacts). The information we obtain from those services often depends on your settings or their privacy policies, so be sure to check what those are.

We collect technical information when you use our products. In todays world, technology often helps websites display relevant ads based on some non-personal information that almost always gets created and recorded in an automated way. When you use our products, we collect such information and may use it to show more relevant advertising. The information and ways we use to collect it described bellow:

  1. Log Data. When you use ImageShack, our servers automatically record information about your interaction with our products, including information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website or your mobile app sends when you use it to access ImageShack. This data may include your Internet Protocol address, the address of the web page you were visiting before you came to ImageShack, browser type and settings, the date and time of your request, and how you used ImageShack.
  2. Cookies. Depending on how you’re accessing our products, we may use HTML, HTTP or Flash “cookies” to identify you and record log data. When we use cookies, we may use “session” cookies (that last until you close your browser) or “persistent” cookies (that last until you or your browser delete them). For example, we may use cookies to keep you logged in or to store your language preferences or other ImageShack settings so you don’t have to set them up every time you visit ImageShack.
  3. Device Information. In addition to log data, we may also collect information about the device you’re using ImageShack on, including what type of device it is, what operating system you’re using, device settings, unique device identifiers, and crash data. Whether we collect some or all of this information often depends on what type of device you’re using and its settings. For example, different types of information are available depending on whether you’re using a Mac or a PC, or an iPhone or an Android phone. To learn more about what information your device makes available to us, please also check the policies of your device manufacturer or software provider.
How we use information we collect?

How Do We Use Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? We use the PII we request at registration in order to provide you with the services offered on the Site, including image hosting and sharing. All information provided by you to ImageShack is strictly confidential and will almost never release any personal information about you without your permission. However, ImageShack reserves the right to release your information if you have violated the ImageShack Terms of Service, or if the information is subpoenaed, in order to protect safety of ImageShack or Site users.

How Do We Use Your Information For Advertising? ImageShack will target advertising based on personal information provided by users and inferred from site usage. This may include gender, age, or geographic data. ImageShack does not provide any personal information to the advertiser when you interact with or view a targeted ad. However, by interacting with or viewing an ad you are consenting to the possibility that the advertiser will make the assumption that you meet the targeting criteria used to display the ad. We may bundle and share the non-personal information we collect from you and other users with advertisers, third parties, trusted partners and affiliates so that they display advertising that better suits the interests of users of our Site. We may aggregate your PII with information about others. In that case we will make your information non-personally identifiable by removing your name, email and other characteristics that would identify it as you. We may use and/or share the resulting non-PII with third parties.

Do We Use Analytics Companies? We may provide some non-personal information to others who help us understand how you use the Site.

Important things to keep in mind:

Your Consent. By using this site you consent to your information being collected, used and transferred as set forth in this Privacy Policy. Information transferred to or stored in the United States may be subject to access requests from U.S. governments, courts, law enforcement officials and national security authorities in the United States according to United States laws.

13 and Up. If you are under the age of 13, we're sorry, but you can't register at the Site. On the bright side, ImageShack will never knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, his or her parent or guardian may contact us for the purpose of deleting this information.

Changing Our Policy. This Privacy Policy is subject to change. We will prominently post a notice on the Site when there are material changes in the way we treat PII. You should periodically check back and review this Privacy Policy so that you always will know what information we collect, how we use it, and with whom we share it.


Please use ImageShack Help if you have any questions about this service.
Please contact us to report Abuse or Violation of this Privacy Policy.
Check out our Terms Of Service for more information on terms of use for ImageShack services.